Tuesday, January 18, 2011

How To Disable Fortiguard Webfilter 2010

Both sexes and nothing else?

the occasion of the dissemination of "Being born neither girl nor boy " aired on France 3
Sunday, November 21 last, an excellent documentary I saw, which unfortunately I did not find extract , reflections on the kind needed finally to society. Once evacuated health issues, birth or not due to pollution of the environment, social and psychological problems that this poses and is not to deny, it is nonetheless striking to see after overcoming his embarrassment about intersex, the company puts us on duty at all times to specify clear which sex we belong! And it leaves the impression that this is tough to know who will be the secretariat and cafes in the office, banging the household chores and cooking, and who will pick up children at school by making a detour through Bakery way back!

To better explain what I just wrote, I am referring to a debate on France 2 addressing the topic, where intersex activist, Vincent (which can be seen in the video clip below) was well viewers understand how he had sex to specify a stroke of drugs and surgery, without telling him beforehand and without obtaining its consent, the history / her out of indecision (!) which had placed the biology-e, where he used the words clearly normalization , assignment and mutilation, focusing perfectly on the difference between sex and gender, gender is the gender with social hierarchy between the masculine and feminine. Obviously, I let the doctor who claims he is a male brain and female brain responsible for what he said. We are not obliged to join.

Medically speaking, the conflation Sexual affect one in every 700 to 2 000 according to the affections, and there would be eight different karyotypes sex in humans; the female is first because all fetuses are female until the 7th week occurs when a signal from the brain that differentiates except accident (but is it an accident or is it us who call it that?) between the 7th and 8th week sex organs under the influence of testosterone. It was a long way since the days when Aristotle (a great friend of women) "decreed that the mother does not transmit its own character to the child. It is the container, the vessel that collects the semen of the father, appealed to its development in his stomach, then gives birth to the child. Aristotle said that man gives the form, the vital principle, the woman provides the material that feeds the small seed already preconceived by its partner inform this matter. " * He has influenced centuries of scientific , prelates and philosophers!

Here is an example of dualism despite many rhetorical precautions:

sent jmphoenix2 . - The News International video.

Telerama book an article about it HERE (showing naked bodies, it became a habit narcissistic!) Explaining why gender is political : employment discrimination, differences wages even for women who choose not to have children and have careers, assigning chores, choice of jobs reduced, poorly paid, etc. ... However, the concept of gender as the magazine is not an invention of feminists, despite the "One is not born woman, one becomes one "Simone de Beauvoir, but an idea of the doctors who treated the baby" hermaphrodite "as we said at the time! physicians concerned with biology, genetics and surgery who invent the concept eminently social and gender policy ? Here, again, nothing should be feminists! Like every time an idea exposed and hammered by feminism going on in the body of social science, becoming a social issue not taboo so mainstream? It's still crazy!

Good news however, Sciences Po Paris in September 2011 will introduce a compulsory education on gender issues (gender hierarchy with male and female) for all students. And there are feminists for nothing? If Telerama says ....

And if we stopped the genre? There is no good being in between, or be a minority eros, gay or lesbian, heterosexual mainstream society.

To learn more about having fun than done as we can recommend reading the wonderful novel by Jeffrey Eugenides, Pulitzer Prize Literature 2003, Middlesex, where a background of 50 years of contemporary American history we see Greek migrants integrate into the American melting pot and heroin girl / boy strong, beautiful character in a novel, Calliope refuse the assignment of the company and agree to live as both sexes at once. A novel liberator.

* Quoted from Whores of the Devil Armelle Lebras Chopard-Plon


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