Friday, December 24, 2010

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Naomi Wolf: I Accuse

An excellent news article news "Wikileaks and rape is serious" HERE mentions how the founder of Wikileaks, Julian Assange was imprisoned incommunicado on allegations of "sex by surprise "by a young female sexual partner, and this article refers to a note from Naomi Wolf published on the website the Huffington Post. Naomi Wolf is an activist for women's rights and works nationally and internationally in the USA with women victims of rape.
I offer below a translation of his article Blog on the Huffington Post. We know nothing of Julian Assange (Robin Hood of the information or malicious hacker) and not much site Wikileaks , Object Internet Information Unidentified; will tell if the project takes the road and overturns information. What is known however, is to interfere with the U.S. government and was imprisoned without parole for reasons of sexual assault, is totally unusual on the part of a state. Here
article by Naomi Wolf translated into French.

"J'accuse : Sweden, Great Britain and Interpol insult the victims of rape worldwide.
How do I know that treatment Interpol, Britain and Sweden to inflict Julian Assange is a form of theater? Because I know what happens to complaints of rape against men: they never embarrass or imply these powerful governments. The founder of Wikileaks Julian Assange is kept in solitary confinement in Prison Wandsworth (the article was written on 13/12/10-that 's me who notes) pending interrogation for assault charge sexual. Lots of people have an opinion on these charges. But I begin to think that only those of We have spent years working with survivors of rape and sexual assault in the world contain what comedy is played out against those who have experienced how sex crimes are usually treated - and how deep and nauseating insult this implies for those survivors of sexual crimes.

Here's what I mean, men are never treated as Julian Assange was treated when they commit sexual crimes. I started working as a counselor in the centers of sexual assault victims in Great Britain at the age of 25. I also worked as a counselor in a shelter for battered women in the United States, where sexual violence was often a form of abuse. I have since spent two decades traveling the globe to interview survivors of sexual assault, their supporters and that, in countries like Sierra Leone, Morocco, Norway and Holland, Israel, Jordan and occupied territories, Bosnia, Croatia, England, Ireland and the United States.

I tell you this as a witness at first hand: Tens of thousands of young girls kidnapped under gunpoint and held as sex slaves in Sierra Leone during the civil war. They were tied to trees and poles and raped by dozens of soldiers at the same time. Several of them had only 12 or 13 years. Their rapists are free.
I met a girl of 15 who risked his life by escaping to his jailer in the middle of the night with her baby result of rape by hundreds of men. She walked up to the Liberian refugee camp in Sierra Leone, barefoot and bleeding, living on roots in the bush. She knows her rapist's name is still available.

Surveys were conducted in general about these attacks on a generation of girls in this country. Their names are known: they are free. In Sierra Leone and Congo, rapists were using blunt or sharp objects to penetrate the vagina of their victims. This results in vaginal injuries called fistulas, health workers attest, but care is often unavailable. Women who were raped in this way suffer from infections and letting out odors that could be treated with inexpensive antibiotics. Because of their injuries, they are often far from their communities and rejected by their husbands. Their rapists are free.

Women and girls are kidnapped, drugged and nourish the trafficking of women by the tens of thousands to feed the sex industry in Thailand and Eastern Europe. They are owned by pimps. If you interview women who spend their lives to save them and accustom to normal life, they reveal that the kidnappers and rapists of these women are well-known local and national authorities, but these men are never indicted .
These rapists are free.

During the Bosnian conflict, rape has was used as a weapon of war. Of women prisoners in the barracks were used for this, raped for weeks under the threat of a firearm. They could not escape. After the conflict, judgments have resulted in minimal sentences "slaps on the wrist" for a minority of rapists. The vast majority of perpetrators, whose names are known, were not considered. Members who have tolerated such attacks and whose names are known are free.

Women who have been raped show in Saudi Arabia, Syria or Morocco, are threatened with imprisonment and beatings, of being abandoned by their families. Their rapists are never convicted and are free. Women who testify to rape in India and Pakistan were victims of honor killings and acid attacks. Their attackers are never arrested or convicted, they are free. The well-known case of a playboy well-born, accused of violent rape by a servant who wanted to testify against him resulted in the suffocation of the case by the most senior members of the police: it's free.

What typical cases closer to home ? In Western countries like Britain and Sweden have joined forces to detain without bail Assange, if you ask women working in the centers for victims of rape, you will hear this: it is desperately difficult to obtain a conviction for a sex crime or even a serious trial. These workers of shelters for rape victims will tell you they have quantities of women raped for years by fathers or stepfathers who can not get justice. Women gang-raped by young men under the influence of alcohol and thrown on the back seats of cars, abandoned after a gang rape can not get justice. Women raped by someone of knowledge can not get to trial.

In the U.S., I have heard of dozens of young women drugged and raped in Universities across the country. There is almost inevitably a blackout by the university-guaranteed if the attackers are known and influential athletes on campus, their rapists are free. If there is a police investigation, it rarely goes further. Is it a rape during a visit with a friend? Forget it. If the woman has been drinking or had consensual sex with her attacker prior, or if there is any ambiguity on the issue of consent, there will almost never serious investigation.

If some (rare) middle class woman complains of rape by a stranger, they are the rare cases in which the state survey and is treated seriously by the judicial system, it will nevertheless be faced with the inevitable problems of any investigation, let alone the conviction, it is "lack of witnesses," there will be problems of evidence or else there will be discussion about the reality of the attack. If, even rarer, a man is really there will inevitably be accused a minimum sentence, insulting its banality, because "nobody wants to ruin the lives" of man often young and who has "erred". (Some exceptions tend to show a racial disparity - black men are more easily convicted of attacks against women at higher social status, they do not know).

In other words: Never in 23 years of reporting and support to victims of sexual assaults around the world have I heard about the case of a wanted man and detained the two nations incommunicado detention without bail before being questioned for any allegation of rape, even the most brutal and easy to prove. In case of ambiguity and complexity of the complaint of the victim-sex started becoming non consensually consensus around wearing a condom, please find me anywhere in the world another man jail today, complained in the same way.
course "no, means no" even after consent, whether you are male or female, and of course condoms must be used with the terms of the agreement. And as my child would add 15 years, obviously fool!

But for the tens of millions of women abducted and raped, raped with the threat of a gun, raped with sharp objects, beaten and raped, raped children, raped by familiar still waiting the slightest sign of justice, highly unlikely and unusual reaction of Sweden and Great Britain this is a slap in the face! It seems to send British and Swedish women the message that if they want someone to take seriously the sexual crime, it is better that they are safer than the man they accuse mischief is also the one who embarrassed the most powerful government on earth.

Hold Assange in jail without bail until his interrogation by any means, it is as if we were suddenly in a world of feminist epiphany about sex crimes, if Interpol Great Britain and Sweden do not want to be accused of hate manipulation on a thorny issue for women for political reasons cynically, they are imprisoned on the field the hundreds of thousands of men, Great Britain, Sweden and the world world, men accused in less ambiguous terms more crude forms of aggression.
Anyone who supports women who are raped know that this grossly disproportionate response, Britain and Sweden certainly under pressure from the United States, cynically use the very serious issue of rape as a fig leaf to cover a comprehensive question mafia collusion in a shroud of silence. This is not the state embracing feminism, the state of feminism pimp. "

Naomi Wolf The text is in English ICI's site Huffington Post .


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