Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Hp Dongle Replacement

lexo X-bio-divers'cité

It's winter, you find that you spend too much time in front of your TV, then come to the library borrow "Atlas biodiversity of the town of Lisieux. "

The work was carried out with students of Greta Calvados, in the framework of Elan.
Like them, you learn to differentiate a pipistrelle, a red-eared, while two of the family Vespertilionidae. If a mouse runs through your living room, you do not scream, "Help", but you wonder about his size, his weight, his coat, his nose ... and all these items, you can express your fears differently-sky, a Muscardin, or a vole or a mouse deer ... or a house mouse. Trainees were checked on a map of Lisieux, the places where animals were sighted. The list is not exhaustive. But 34 animals have been identified near you. So look out the window, you may be happy to see a deer pass.

In spring, you n'abonnerez not work, you go out with her gardening. You'll pretty bouquets stitchwort. Perhaps you go to pick them up to dry and soothe your stomach.
If you're a gardener, you do not pester more after the chickweed, but you make a salad or soup.

In summer, when a wasp stings you, you rub on your skin irritated the plantain or the big sorrel. We offer

Greta future trainees to continue this work on biodiversity and provide us a book on mushrooms fall of the town of Lisieux.

The book is available at the Library.


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