Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Caloriesin Chicken Chow Mein

The hum of taciturn

was in Tanith Theatre, it's too late, it's over. "The hum of taciturn," it will take a bit to see.

Eugene Durif was invited by the Theatre Tanith within a residence Lisieux with three other authors: Serge Valletti , Christophe Tostain , Bruno Allain .
Eugene a good bad boy handed his copy last: "The hum of taciturn"

Arnaud Aubert is director. Francis Xavier Malingre plays all the characters.

March 21, 2009, Eugene Durif and Christophe Tostain attending a day reading in the library in the project Roaming . Eugene on photography and ... Francis Xavier (blog http://tanit-itinerances.blogspot.com/ )

Then Eugene has "resided" in the Pays d'Auge, and it was raining ...
-It's raining! It's raining? not that a little rain. Yes, it rains, oh well! It's raining again, it looks like! It repleut! it looks like! I smell the rain! it sure is a time to rain! Hey, it looks like it's coming! Not sure it lasts! I'd say! Oh, but it's raining! No, a tiny drizzle, it looks like rain is a big word, it's not a Musina nothing MUCR today? What are you so look there? This is because fog and drizzle, it looks like it's rain this time! ...
Extract text is delicious, we see nothing but hear it rain, no need to look outside.

I laughed and was moved to tears during the show. it happens rather rarely in the theater.

Obviously, recognize the places, people, is not for nothing
- The Coffee Courtonne the Meurdrac , if you've never been, do not hesitate the boss will be happy to serve you a coffee can be reheated and take your time as Eugene did. Listen, share.
- People too. It's not quite them, but it resembles them. Eugene is an artist, a poet. These characters grab you, you speak to the depths of the soul, the writing is sensitive.
There is sadness but also a tremendous desire to resist, an ode to life ... "but I was stronger than the world can rest assured that cheap in the sputum that you start at the mouth, and I kept an imperceptible way that nobody else could guess. Little me belonged, but I kept them tightly against me and not everyone can say the same ... " , words of the lumberjack.

Francis Xavier with his shaved skull dented all text inside a beard like a troll out of a barrel of belly with calvados, takes you into the world of Durif.
Arnaud, who learned his trade from Louviot Eric (manager of the theater of Lisieux) is a local artisan goldsmith.

You, who have not seen the show, be careful. Personally, I look forward to programming the Courtonne Meurdrac.

Thanks Eugene for your hum of taciturn, and one day in the Pays d'Auge.


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