Following a minor controversy some time ago with Heloise and Floréale about witchcraft and witches, the stop the repression, I found the title of this book that I had heard the promotion at its publication, the book I had never bought but I had written the address on a document at once lost. I finally find the name of the author miraculously rummaging through an old computer looking for something else! This author is Armelle Le Bras-Chopard (ALC), his book was published in 2006 and we can not find it (or so at great bibliophile), definitely these books about Women's History (Herstory) have limited editions are not reprinted j 'I could buy for one low price on an auction site online.
The reading is fascinating: his thesis is that witchcraft was "a political rather than religious phenomenon, leading to the construction male of the modern state, a phenomenon that will disappear once women subject under the Act , "the back cover.
repression is born the fantasy of a rise of women in the fifteenth century inquisitors Institoris and Sprenger in 1486 devastated note: "This time it is the time of the woman" ! If it reminds you of a contemporary slogan, know that it has already been underway, which is not reassuring! And actually, they are relative autonomy outside the home, they take shop, they have their own corporations, they are "Traders", "rattle", "regrattières", "plow", "brewers", "lemonade". They are midwives, midwives, healers and médeciennes, they know the herbs that heal and soothe; the médeciennes have a virtual monopoly on the diseases of women. Worse, if possible, the power that women have gained will be highlighted by the throne of several queens, LAC wrote and I quote: "... in the late fifteenth century, Henry's sister Isabella IV of Castile, Margaret of Austria, then in the sixteenth century Scotland Mary Stuart, Mary and Elizabeth Tudor England Jeanne d'Albret in 1555 in Navarre , then independent kingdom between France and Spain. In France, the regency was entrusted to women or minority for the king, either during his temporary absence from the country: in fact François 1er for his mother, Henry II for his wife, Catherine de Medici, who will again regent in 1574, during the minority of his son Charles. Women play a role in diplomacy, like Marguerite de Navarre, sister of Francis 1; Louise of Savoy to France and Margaret of Austria concluded in August 1529 the "Ladies' Peace" which puts an end to the conflict between their respective states " .
Enough! For female beings whose nature is to bring them to submission, with the added double male always latent fear of the emancipation of women, weaker sex, and their takeover, males should respond under penalty of being rob!
They will then summon the devil.
At first, we do not know who he is: he will appear "after a long gestation. His first mention is in the Book of Enoch located between the Old and New Testament, and it has the features of the serpent in the Bible when it occurs to Adam and Eve. Omniscient angel, black creature, Prince of Darkness, it reveals the hollow of the pillow, secrets to women. We will soon associate Devil woman sex, danger to men. Of pure spirit, it will eventually take shape in the fevered imagination of artists and inquisitors of the Middle Ages on the tables, sculptures with the birth of Purgatory and Hell; clerics, men will soon find himself falling characteristics aptly:
he is male and ... Heterosexual , which prevents it a sodomite, as it would also anchor the men in the game, and that they do not want at any price. He, however, a curious genitourinary (cold and sharp!) I'll spare you all the descriptions most outlandish and stupid as each other (one is accustomed to male fantasies on the subject) but one feature all the same ( summarizes what I said ALC): while being lewd, it is a very bad blow to the bed and Sabbath! It gives no pleasure sexual witch are still very attracted to him, do not try to understand. Anyway at the time women are seen as hopelessly stupid and unreasonable. Because they are weak and not able to resist, they will have the devil .
Based on texts derogatory toward women of Aristotle, Plato, Rabelais, the written gynophobes wacky and Inquisitors and jurists, the punishment will be fierce and last for centuries. It will address old women (men fear of masculinization of postmenopausal women), midwives (practitioners of herbal medicine and healing and are not safe from a hiccup, in fact, mortality during deliveries and perinatal is important), prostitutes because sex is demonized. There will be 80 women for 20 men out of 100 accused of practicing witchcraft. The poor rural women pay a heavy price to hatred. They will be tortured, drowned, burned, with no raises and despite some voices who say that all these are superstitions, and speeds inaudible voice silenced. In the mid-seventeenth century, Punishment flames: based on denunciations of the courts operate at full capacity, the system goes into overdrive and begins to expose children and .... men. At that moment, everything changed: burn massive amounts of women, still happening, but children and especially men, it no longer passes. Even the fiercest priests begin to grumble at the massacre.
The system works by special courts and inquisitorial first, then state and local then, but the boss at the time it's still the king. Although nothing is as central today, and that the state does not exist. The king's authority, jurisdiction does not or does not apply in all provinces of the kingdom during the old regime, he can not win everywhere. And that, according to the thesis of CLA, the repression against witches will play a key role in the creation of the state.
These are the first mobile confessionals and inquisitorial religious courts which hear witches, the local parliament have their own courts that the royal power may have no control, and finally there are the royal courts. All these "courts" are going to compete. Punishment is an instrument for Mater local authorities, but can also be used by those bodies to assert their own power from the national sovereign. Witches become an issue of power! Over time the secular courts will dethrone the ecclesiastical courts and provincial courts will crowd out local and after centuries of repression, it is the central states who will win the battle. At the same time, "the emergence of a scientific mind hears the mysteries of nature, taking God and the Devil away from thoughts based on reason alone." Man "becomes master and owner Nature, Science rejecting any unproven dogma Assen and frees himself from God and the Church policy also takes his distance and autonomy from religion. "Regarding women, says CLA The first task is to reject the Order of Nature. According to the syllogism: a man is a human being, a woman is not a man, so a woman does not belong to humanity, at least not quite, so it appears to control such . This new discourse is a continuation of centuries-misogynist assertions, but instead to kill the witches, it is preferable subjecting preventively by law all living women. "It is on these bases will be established that the modern state, male as Satan" concludes LAC.
Based on the model of power Pater familias , sovereignty is organized in the masculine , if the husband is the head of family, even if the power "falls distaff", c is the " gynecocracy ", ie the death of political or sovereignty, for the gynecocracy leads to despotism and anarchy that are more political regimes, or disappearance family if the husband is no longer in command, describes a theorist of power. power in the hands of a woman exercised in cruelty and murder he concludes. The Napoleonic Code, Civil Code of 1804 unifying endorse the inability of a married woman, incapable in the legal sense of the word like crazy and minors, it will be placed under supervision with due obedience to her husband, her status would have been steadily deteriorating since the late Middle Ages. The great fear of men that is the freedom of women because all women are under the tutelage of the law, there is no need to witches, so they can disappear. Broom, vehicle to the place of the witches Sabbath is replaced by harmless household broom, it is now only sweep, posting it would never have lost.
The whore of the devil in smoke for the benefit of the Fairy's house .
Armelle Le Bras-Chopard wonders, however, in concluding his book, if you can not fear a return of witches and their punishment: women's demands for access to the public sphere and political arenas as men, the return of the repressed religions, feminist movements claiming the shared exercise of power around the world, male dominance challenged and undermined support could backfire pyres? In another form?
The Whores of the Devil: The witchcraft trials of women. Armelle Le Bras-Chopard - Plon 2006
can also read about the witches from The sexocide Francoise Eaubonnne - Editions L'poltergeist
And a link reported by Euterpe to a conference of Eliane Viennot, Associate of history, delivered in March 2009 at the Institut Emilie du Chatelet which is right on topic, if you have never understood the Salic law, which does have a destination policy. It's absolutely fascinating.
"Fortune is a woman, and it is necessary to keep the subject of the fight and hit" .
Machiavelli - The Prince
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