Yves Jeuland This film offers a descent snorkeling at the heart of male power and its election campaigns. Male power so competent, immutable and indisputable, so powerful that he can lead by example the Mayor of Bordeaux and rebuild the department "devastated" Foreign Fingers in the nose, a breeze. I saw it two months late with this film, but frankly, it was worth the wait!
is true that 35 copies of the film planned for France, including a fortnight for the Languedoc-Roussillon Montpellier Journal said it should not that I complain, I still have the chance to have seen go home!
sent Baryla . - Watch web series and movies.
The last election of Georges Freche therefore (Regional 2010) filmed freely and without censorship, "said Yves Jeuland. Excluded from the PS for racist remarks, the Party leadership had shifted to Helena Mandroux, Mayor of Montpellier, cannon fodder sent the break-pipe Frêche face. Following the practice of the major parties, women are sent to the front when the carrots are cooked. She had no chance. The following are known: Frêche winner, 54% in the second round, and Mandroux eliminated in the first round with 7.7% of the vote. Remarkable rate of abstention: 50, 27% (data Ministry of Interior).
The film is instructive: no woman in the field of the camera, or only if it is makeup, Secretary carrier stacks of signature books, cakes waitress behind the dresser, or maid cleaning cloth in the office of President, his statues of granzomes and his game of cards. And in the background, very blurry, his wife and daughter over her publisher during a meal. Plans contreplongée slightly on the Hotel of the Region are also very interesting architectural style is distinctly Stalinist tendency Ceausescu, the syndrome-the great-man-trying-leave-a-trace-in-concrete-for la posterity is striking, and it is small (Ceausescu was better!) excessiveness of the President.
Helena Mandroux takes for his rank: physical attacks (" Mandroux, you saw his head? " when we ourselves have a resemblance to Jabba the Hut , the villain who controls the underworld of the galaxy in Return of the Jedi, the third installment of the Star Wars, it's funny!) And intellectual " Mandroux she deserves not. She is a woman. She never understood anything about politics. As she followed me, she knew where she was because I was guiding. But now she is alone, she drove into the fog. "
Or:" Mandroux, I know, it's me who did it, I took it as the first Assistant if she had not even a thought, I remember it! " There is nothing to add. Except that if this film happens in your neighborhood, you could see, he has an undeniable archaeological interest.
For more excerpts: follow the link Montpellier Journal: it features eight of the same flavor as the trailer.
According New News , things do not change: the next cantonal March 2011, the candidates are men and women ... . alternates. Parity in French, in short.
Georges Freche died October 24, 2010. His replacement as President of the Region Languedoc Roussillon is Christian Bourquin.
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