Without offending the human race * and since I'll spend a day at the Salon International de l'Agriculture (SIA) Paris Porte de Versailles, later advocacy of all cow- milked and exploited to parasitized and laying hens caged slaves, here are some animal and some maternity babies nonhuman:
Love is a behavior that has been invented and developed by Evolution, continuously improved and refined for us help raise our children.
We are not so different: as said Darwin, who used a vocabulary that modern vets consider shamelessly "anthropomorphic", here are two children playing together.
I found this paragraph in the book by Jonathan Safran Foer Eating animals (or Should we eat animals in French) that I'm currently reading:
"technologies of war were literally and systematically applied to industrial fishing. radars, echo-sounding (used their time to locate submarines enemies), electronic navigation systems developed by the Navy, and in the last decade of the Twentieth Century from the GPS satellites that give fishermen unprecedented capabilities to identify and locate places fish. Images of ocean temperatures generated by satellites are used to detect schools of fish.
We really are giving them no chance.
His descriptions of tuna and other large fish (not to mention other , put together by the ton in trawl nets and that "drown" in the open air) writhing in pain because reassembled the gaff planted in the skull suggests that, on these plants that are floating vessels fishing for tuna seiners, are working under some sadistic sociopaths minimum of psychiatry heavy! This is war against all and against nature: in the last half-century, 90% of the resource of the world's oceans has been destroyed. We really are giving them no chance.
The war continues by other means: the tuna factory ships and other Breton Boulogne and go fishing with the French Army on board to replicate to hacker attacks off the Somali coast. Europeans buy legally fishing authorizations African states who sell them. (These statements have sometimes headed by fearsome tyrants who care about their people as their first pair of socks). But the Somali fishing methods and those of Europe are not the same, while the Somalis practice a subsistence fishing with small nets, the Europeans arrive with several kilometers of nets and boats factory freezer! So Somali piracy would be a response to the exploitation of their waters by European .
Otherwise, you can also go for a ride on the blogs of drawing such talented bloggers that Insolent Veggie (who needs no introduction), Veggie Poulette and Anicée .
Other link: Agrimonde Report: A Study of INRA
* No offense to the human race: Essay by Elizabeth de Fontenay - Albin Michel
Photos: CIWF , HS U.S. and IFAW
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