Sunday, January 23, 2011

Do Women Like Shaved Genitials On A Man?

Empowerment and women's work in dates

reminder dates that make history of working women and their emancipation (?). AH AH.

(Update at bottom of post about the regressive decision rendered by the Court of Appeal of Angers on motherhood in X)

Computer graphics is Mode (s) Job whom I thank. Look carefully at the margins. The ticket is concerned HERE.

Let me see: 1972: Law requiring equal pay and treatment between men and women. Warf, Warf, Warf! 40 years later, the wages of the two remaining DIFFERENT minus 20% on average over women, and it apparently incompressible despite the strengthening of the law in 2006 . And this is not the recession caused by the financial crash of 2008 that will make a difference: in a recession, women are preferably asked to leave the place the guys on a job market in "crisis" and make their claims under a bushel. Reminder: the trading rooms of banks / casinos are filled to 99% of men! They are ipso facto leaders, and it their "crisis"! They should in justice be the only ones paying the slate but this is not the case ! After blowing up the bank, privatized profits and losses shared, they continue to make balls of gold, and now they are speculating on commodities, including cereals and legumes we eat!

Roudy Act of 1983, Decree application in July 1983 : ban mention in a job regardless of the character of the employment contract or proposed in any form of advertising related to employment, gender or marital status, ... refuse to hire someone, say a mutation [....] by gender or family status, taking into account gender or marital status in particular as regards remuneration [....] .
Upon publication of the decree implementing the law Roudy, my boss at the time had mailed a shouting match preventive about this law, stating that if I inserted a job as a midwife without mention * H / F or "the position is open to both sexes" would see what would! Bardera it seriously for my number! Since, if I hit 10 euros every time I read a job offer "practical man", "man of dialogue", or man of everything you want (unlike what we experience every day, man is adaptable (crazy!) all sauces in recruitment advertisements), I'd be at the head of a nest egg so. Without the DDTE, the police, the prosecutor, the Halde ... alerted no big stir their behind. The good women, that's secretary, cashier, nurse and this is just a supplementary income. Point. Move along!
It is time to focus also on the racist, sexist, ageist of recruitment firms, these parasites inhuman resources, which are (poorly) paid to do the dirty work that companies dare not do themselves same! And note that mention your marital status and number of your children is not required nor recommended on your CV, this is your privacy .

1986: Legalization of feminization of function names: farce, you die of laughter! Even the women refuse to wear the feminine function names! The feminine is not legitimate, the masculine prevails eternally over the feminine (grammatical rule silly, stupid, sexist and cheesy) robbed us of the Magisterium of the floor, so our voice does not, our opinions are subject questionable (male preferred), put an E on a job title is the masculine transgression, and guidelines would be worse than the Director, the minister and the mayor, it would be pie and contrary to the rules of language (see views of academics under dusty strips), as if language was not for his female speaker and that it can make her say what she wants, as long as it is understood, and that the rules of grammar are just conventions. Then a little daring?

2000: Gender in politics with ridiculous penalties for parties who fail! Moreover, imposing fines and delete the application. Because they always have a man who makes the best case, women are invisible and do not come out of the lot. And then, women stick stamps and so provide better stewardship of the parties. Result lousy at both meetings: 18% women MPs and 21.8% of women senators.

2001: Law GĂ©nisson: equality between men and women fit in the annual negotiations in business. Well, OK. In the meantime, I asked two years ago and half my bank to give me the web link leading to their social report, just to see the distribution of jobs by gender, wage differentials, if any, which benefits from the training ... and who plays the casino with my savings. I'm still waiting despite my reminders. Hello? Earth?
No answer? Personal Message: you lose nothing by waiting, revenge is a dish best served cold very, very cold.

2010: Cope Zimmermann Act establishes a quota of 40% (why not 50, they can not count?) In the boards of companies in the CAC 40 by 2016. Another delaying tactic that will not be implemented: Cope in the name of a law, I do not know why I feel bad. Pluralist par excellence, it sends the wrong signal to employers immediately and administrators who do not see why they would leave their way to a woman. Because it is indeed that: places are limited, so they should step aside to let us pass!

In fact, when the job boards are doing their job fair in New Technologies (Which were new as the qualifier, in practice, the plant gadzarts grandpa!), It gives the image below: (precision, because apparently it's not obvious to all the world a man alone on a recruitment forum poster, it means that women are not welcome! Me, I read it like that). Same for the headrest of recruitment agencies -SEE HERE - where women, when there are two steps behind!

* In midwifery, contrary to what almost everyone thinks the word woman does not refer to the practitioner to the woman BUT . A man who is doing this job so naturally the name of a midwife.

Update on the trial of Angers on Childbirth under X HERE to read:
In this period of backlash decidedly difficult for women, the decision in the case of large- parents seeking custody of a child born under X and have obtained, there is definitely no good being a mother in this country ! Their rights are constantly violated. And they are still considered incapable of taking only the right decision regarding their children, they are minor eternal dumb. The ruling brought a breach of Angers in the right to delivery under X. A woman who had offered his full commitment to a future child that she could assure him herself by proposing the adoption, to see just broken the secret at the request of the grandparents, who thereby violate the will of their daughter. It is the triumph of biology and blood ties, another regression regressive in that time.


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