the heart of the industry: a day in the Office of Education A typical day for commercial engineer in an engineering (BE), which offers services Research and development (R & D) industry. I am in my office where I take my appointment. The standard is held by an assistant, but when she is away, the answers to the calls fall into the waterfall on commercial junior (student) and then on the other commercial order of seniority. It sounds complicated but it works!
Exactly the phone rings and heard three rings, I pick: Engineering Truc Machin Associates, Hello. A very urban but firm lady on the phone asking me to speak to Mr Machin and Emmanuel Laurent Truc, the two leaders. Sure, I'll see if they are there, that claim? You will notice that I carefully avoid the very classy
keskecé, cétakelsujè usually dedicated to the unfortunates who have the audacity to call a French company! Oh sure, I'm Mrs. Piedboeuf Company Truck Big Z, I am the Director of Purchasing, "she replies.
A leader and their main customer yet, they have indeed, I do not know by what miracle he is obviously a little god who sympathizes with the plight of small contractors, so they now Big Truck, international manufacturer of heavyweights in their wallet client!
I immediately ring the telephone Trick Emmanuel, the head chief of BE, in vain, of course. He is not here, anyway he is only 9 am, and it never happens before 10 AM, since
vaconduirelesenfantsàlécole , concession to his wife Madam, thereby lets hang out at night in the office until the point of time. When Laurent
Machin, I am sounding too, but I know it is useless, nobody, absolutely nobody ever knowing where he is, in fact everyone is beginning to suspect that the strawberries in spring and mushrooms Chestnut or winter, depending on the weather, since his schedule is one of the most opaque of the company. And I return to my caller, take the message and the telephone numbers and promised to pursue the matter. Professional reflex: if it was one of my clients, I would appreciate it
made it so much! I leave voice mails everywhere double by mail in their respective boxes. I do not see them nor hear them for the day.
the evening, about 18 H, made of a doubt, I remind mailboxes, relaxing messages, put post-it notes on their doors or their offices, check with the assistant OR they may well be, it does knows NOTHING.
I doubt, however, where Emmanuel Tip: its main time-consuming activity is the quest with church organizations providers of grants, soft loans (OSEO-Anvar) and other statutes advantageous JEI ( Young Innovative Company) and CIR (Research Tax Credit, tax shelter recently) that these good girls that are the region, state and local governments give them generously with no-cons-party ethics, I'm in a box guys, the only of my kind, under strict supervision. And they are better at making the quest for public support
* to go prospecting companies in the economic area to report revenue. I'm practically in the hallway toward the exit when my phone rings: it's Lawrence Machin who wants to know if someone
recalled the lady for whom I left messages! I'm on the verge of explosion, and I told him not to do and know I draw his attention to the importance calmly I seem to recall it, given its responsibilities. I will still not be obligated to make a picture?
- But who is this woman, at first, and what she wants? I hear in my headset, I can not believe my senses! Usually we are dealing with Mr Thing, not a woman! (sic). Not but unheard of! I hazard that can be changed Big Truck Purchasing Director or as far Truc Machin Associates was dealing with the bully who fill the boiler, Mr Thing, by taking a size of the Directorate, a sinister habit boxes technicians who confuse engineering with e-maker? And that the head has decided to take matters into their hands? Otherwise expressed, but the idea is there.
The conversation ended, I go home, they are doing.
The next morning, I prepare my day: I go outside, visiting customers, whew, it'll make me a holiday. I hate being confined. I verify that I have all my files, my docs, cards, and ... everything is perfectly straight, I go to the kitchen around 9 H 30 earned me a coffee. The Brewer potpotpotpote its electrical support, it smells. I just served I see Emmanuel Truc enter the hair wet, bags under his eyes, he must have dry nose, a sign of fever, and his ear as a rebellious art antenna irresistibly attracted by the coffee maker. Looks like a Bedouin who has three weeks of desert in sandals and finally meets a waterhole! Bin I say, but what he does with his nights?
Hello, Emmanuel! -Hon, hon, I hear the answer. Really, it's serious, I'll let him drink his back, waiting for it to take effect (orally and it may take time, perhaps by subcutaneous or intravenous?) sipping mine. After all, it is not obliged to talk all the time.
- In fact, it took Ms. Piedboeuf the phone!
- Ah, well, it did not matter at all?
- She just wanted to see us, as we joined last night at 20 o'clock, it was a little short, we had RV with her this morning at 8 o'clock! You were right, this is the new
Director of Purchasing.
Holds a rather weak voice a little. So she has called and had them come hell for them and to present its case, and soon crack of pussy more. I begin to understand: he stood at dawn and had to negotiate with Mrs unawares (which has a management position and requirements that go with a company in the corner) the ferrying of children to school! "My intuition was correct. It heats up, this kind of news: if I had been Piedboeuf, I demanded a meeting at 7 o'clock, just to make it clear who is who by the balls (I promise, in the next post I avoid the word testicle). I tell myself that I missed a vocation as purchasing manager, and I'll bite your fingers every day that will make the Great Cosmic Goddess now! What a nice job anyway!
* It is estimated that 40 to 80 billion euros "fall" on the business in a year in various forms: grants, soft loans, waivers of fees or taxes, various tax credits, all without any control nor any ethical obligation (gender, employment of disabled job openings for different French original, non-discrimination of minority eros, good environmental and social practices, etc ...)!
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