Sunday, December 5, 2010

Powerpoint Til A3 2007

feminism or Death: Francoise Eaubonne 2

The two poles of feminism: Feminism
Liberal Reform - Radical feminism

I you are talking about a time (experimental) that less than twenty years may not know: in 1968 a German feminist speaks "to bring the class struggle in the couple and their reports." USA, Betty Friedan and Feminine Mystique analysis strategy dealers polish and vacuum cleaners, using technology to expose the dictatorship, despotism insidious and mercantile society. She is married and approved by her husband. She founded the first feminist movement NOW (National Organization of Women) which will run through his style Reform. Sage protest, she calls for women's right to choose between the sink and the construction of a rocket and establishes a "Declaration of the Rights of Women" which adopts eight rallying points, all liberals and is well recognized by political authorities. Basically, overhaul the constitution in a feminist sense, suppression of sex discrimination in employment, women's right to be educated on an equal footing with men at all levels of education, tax laws allow the deduction of household and education of children of working couples, Women's right to resume their jobs after maternity without losing their seniority, women's right to information about contraception, abolition of criminal laws on abortion .... The NOW

be outflanked on his left one of its activists Ti Grace Atkinson emerges and seeks to annihilate once and for all gender roles ! "We have established that women constitute a political class characterized by a sexual function. "For her," marriage is legalized kidnapping, a source of unpaid labor, which reduced the freedom of movement of women and does not require anything in the certainty of the love of a man, love is something else .... Somehow, women must make a genuine suicide. "In 1967, Valerie Solanas publishes SCUM Manifesto," a political program in science fiction. "Women should carry their own battles, those necessary in the movements dominated by human tradition, that fail to bow before the values of the male. Splitting with NOW birth of Women's Lib.
Kate Millet published his doctoral thesis, which quickly became a bestseller, The Politics of Male , translated into 27 languages and who will tell his thesis examiner: "Reading this book is like sitting with their balls caught in a nutcracker "! Different European feminists will follow in the analysis. Whose MLF France (Mouvement de Liberation des Femmes). But also " Sisters of Lilith", the "Red Stockings ", " Bread and Roses " and WITCH. U.S. kind of "witch from hell! Here is what an activist in the MLF Current starting the movement: " So far, we were treated like servants, we had no other horizon than the type that we had imposed ... The hour of questioning radical. All couples are couples bourgeois. A few adventurers who will not taste these delicacies were engulfed in flames. Virgin, they were considered old skins, love, like whores, concubines, like birds of passage. Over thirty years, their market value was approximately zero. If they commit in politics, they are meant to go elsewhere to solve their problems vaginal . "The Italian

Carla Lonzi (in spit on Hegel):" The family is central to the patriarchal order and is based not only on economic interests but on the psychic mechanisms of the man who each time, took the woman as an object of domination and as a pedestal. "And," noting the cult of male virtues which all have spring center of a fundamental aggressiveness has made an unconscious male receptacle of blood and fear. ... Women's liberation through the evidence concrete, lived in the open, it can happen to men at all levels.. "Radical Feminism.

Destruction of natural resources" free "- Overcrowding
Household work, invisible platform male productive labor and all other matrix operations .
"Two sectors of the female form the basis for society, as essential as the basic work of the man outside: the reproduction of all first involving procreation and rearing, and household work, exclusive area, which is invisible to the platform production, human labor outdoors. Without the preparation of their food, repair of clothing, laundry of linen, the layout of her living on a minimum of hygiene and approval, no proletariat could not sell his labor, no merchant could continue to sell and buy goods, no professional man to continue his career .[....] marriage thus gives man the opportunity to sell their labor power in conditions infinitely more profitable allowing the economy to a cleaner, restaurant, a large part or all of the laundry, besides the saving of time sexual affairs. "In this invaluable service added a second, even more precious: procreation is the establishment of new world future workers. Finally, the woman attached to these two inputs share personal to the production direct, either at work, mostly in the hardest jobs to feed because most low-paid or part-time, work part-time collectors are trying to do to make a conquest of the modern woman and is the best way to keep in the lower areas of the economy . If man in marriage has a housewife for free, a single woman raising her children and working in the production outside, since man can only obtain through marriage or cohabitation homemaker free for this woman only with children if they need it, help WILL ALWAYS PAY !

This work "free" since does not fit into the national GDP is closer "free" services rendered by nature, such as working bees whose contribution was assessed in 2005 $ 35 billion just for the U.S. GDP, without counting other pollinators! Examples could be multiplied indefinitely from the similarity of the exploitation of natural resources and labor, I should say instead of slavery, women in marriage and the family: the forests that are destroyed while we are withdrawing our pharmacopoeia, wild animals we reduce the living space when they made us who we are culturally. Clearly, the woman was given to man as a field to plow and .... said to operate as the metaphorical form of the Koran, although the repression of Eros and exploitation of women's bodies are identical in all three revealed religions.

In 1974, F E is an apocalyptic description of environmental destruction : pollution of rivers and seas, land degradation, advancing deserts, atmosphere overloaded with carbon dioxide, acid rain, contamination of land and rivers by pesticides or plant, groundwater pollution and scarcity of pure water in 2010, after experiencing such accidents nuclear Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and infinitely more serious, after experiencing the Bhopal accident in India Toulouse, we know that climate disasters are before us, that land is increasingly scarce and expensive, the Chinese who have polluted their lands cultivated by the disastrous practices of the communist era buy the Africa and Madagascar, the battle for water has already begun and that deforestation is at work in the forests of Borneo and Amazon. There are more plastic than plankton in the Pacific and a "trash vortex" of waste the size of France will drift, according to Greenpeace. We also know that oil resources which we are so dependent shall cease one day soon.

Claude Levi-Strauss was born in 1908 used to say that the year of his birth, the earth's population was 1.3 billion inhabitants in 2009, the year of her death, she is 6.5 billion people! Either a 5-fold increase in human life ! Page 130 of his book written in 1974, F E was that the Brazilians are 55 million in a country of 90 million. Today, 36 years later Brazil's 190 million inhabitants, of whom 86% live in deplorable conditions in the city of favelas.Précisons however, that Third World children weigh less in the world that children the rich northern hemisphere, given the disastrous curve 20/80 *! Consequences of
Patriarchy Millennium: Eros repressed and imprisoned in a marriage its monotony and its exploitation of slavery, oppressed women and mystified in the developments of this civilization, nature exploited and destroyed, stress of motherhood and fertility control by women only male who has arrogated power and title, " remain as the male power, it goes without saying that nothing can change this plan, and that the origin of living has no due to be reviewed. The company is convicted in the hands millennia retain as paramount the aggressive instincts, the instinct of destruction and violence, the impression left by force on the flesh and nature ...".
" For the first time in human history No society can take over "Konrad Lorentz. Of course I said F, since everyone thinks like male company, namely representation company, competition and industrialization, in short of aggression and sexual hierarchy.

Mutation ecofeminist
Both feminisms, as the radical liberal failed to fundamentally transform society finds F E; is limiting their supposed "feminine-cons", ie the claim of individual right, they imagined to be the magical transformation of their femaleness that feminists yesterday were virtually wiped out by having won just wind. "They did better than withdrawn reforms, alleviation, benefits, which fall under the cash drawer of the big bang if they are the right side, but the power is just changing hands, structures never, never is deeply concerned given the relationship between the sexes, humanist question and environmental issue of all. How could this problem be solved as mental structures will remain as they are informed by knowledge fifty centuries of civilization men warming, overexploitation and destructive resource? "This kernel is the phallocracy . It is the very basis of an order which can not assassinate nature for profit if it is a capitalist in the name of progress it is socialist. "

The only mutation which can therefore save the world today is the "great reversal" of male power is reflected, after over-farming, the deadly industrial expansion. Not matriarchy or certainly the power to women, but destruction of power by women. And finally, the end of the tunnel: the management of an egalitarian world reborn and no longer protected as environmentalists still believe the meek of the first wave. Feminism or death . You see it: we do not advocate an illusory superiority of women over men, nor even "values" of the feminine which exist only in a cultural and metaphysical way, we say, do you want to live or die ? If you refuse death worldwide, we must accept the revenge of women, for their interest personal as sex, overlap those of the human community, while those of males as individuals stand out ".

According F E
Women must wrest power from men to make to all mankind.

Francoise Eaubonne universalist French feminist, was the first to have paralleled the oppression of women, exploitation of their bodies and the invisibility of their production operations with and devastation of nature. It therefore proposes to ally them to lead the fight eco-feminist and liberation. Eco-feminism was invented in France by Francoise Eaubonne with the publication of "Feminism or Death" in 1974, but being no prophet in his own country, he was adopted by the Anglo-Saxon (USA, Canada, Australia. ..) and women in the developing world, Vandana Shiva is one of the spokespersons and activists in India where she tries to put into practice. The
(s) pound (s) Francoise Eaubonne no longer available in bookstores and is exhausted from the publisher and can be (s) found in libraries: do not hesitate to ask to go See reserves. And most importantly, China is in good bookshops (with the pleasure of china and more!) and selling websites and internet auctions and at dealers used Amazon's Market Place. If it does not meet your initial search, feel free to retry your request from time to time until someone sell his own. I found all mine that way.

To deepen two links: The Pink Panthers and Council on the Status of Women in Quebec and English
Earth First! and Earth First! What is Social Ecology .

"It is the oppressors who built the definitions"
Ti Grace Atkinson - Odyssey of an Amazon.

"If women agitates their ass not in a hurry, we might all die today!"
Valerie Solanas - SCUM Manifesto.

* 20/80 or Pareto curve: 20% of the inhabitants of the planet (the northern hemisphere, we) squander 80% of the planet's resources while 80% of the inhabitants of the planet "merely" 20% of remaining resources.

Photo Francoise Eaubonne


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