Sexual Politics of Meat - A critical theory feminist vegetarian.
Published in 1980 in the United States, it is unfortunately not available in French.
Here are ideas:
(My ticket is published simultaneously in PELENOP ).
Try a dinner in town or with the family to put these two sentences: I am a feminist! Answer
invariable you also cut roughly:
Ah, you do not like zomes?
No, thank you, I'm vegetarian, pushing the meat dish. Even
invariability of the objection: Oh, you do not like meat? Even
negative sentence structure in both cases. You may respond with an air interested and positive: Ah, you are defending equality between men and women, is it good? Or "You are attached to the animal life, how interesting!" which are still more valuable and ACCURATE! But no, you will NEVER what kind of response. Worse, you have to justify to belong to the category or class feminist vegetarian, while none of the guests do not ask the other side of justify the enslavement of women and animals in a consensual consumption of their strength work, their reproductive capacity and their flesh. It goes without saying! We live
in a patriarchal world where men are the undisputed master of all mankind standard (besides the question of whether these men, like women will not be mentioned, while men demonstrate every day that they no 'not like women to say the least!) and a world where meat eaters are legitimate, the question arises even more! Worse, you assume the role of bad 1) the anti-embittered shrew guy hairs on the legs or 2) the unfortunate guest who is trying to disgust the other pleasures of the table and ... bed, short, badly fucked, the "poor living" as opposed to the popular good living who knows how to behave in bed and table.
I recommend you also to risk: your brother Jacky will annoy you throughout the meal by making comments on your fine opinions, poured himself three times in a leg saying that he had not " ; states of mind "to animals that are" made to be killed and eaten ", and / or that he" loves women, he! Which has absolutely no connection. The debate is skewed in both cases, since you do not speak the same thing. The reality is that feminists are fighting for Equality and that vegetarians eat without killing .
Women, as vegetarians do not have the power to appoint: they / they are both facing a dominant's interests to silence them, either by ridiculing, or reducing the scope of this they say, to keep this power to give names. It is the function of the dominant system: it ridicules everything that is not his message, he rejects you in otherness, there is his voice that carries and his message is heard and admissible, and all There are many ways to keep the system in the state.
In factory farming as in conventional farming, livestock consists exclusively of females ; in laying hen farms, male chicks are ruthlessly eliminated straight from the incubator, large heated cabinet, they are ground in a live worm after brutal sexing, since the legislature has not provided stunning before killing for chicks. The male piglets destined for finishing pigs are castrated without anesthesia before abruptly 7 days (according the law) because the pork male releases the smell of urine collected, however, by less than 10% of the population. There are some bulls meat destined for beef, but beef found in butcher shops is usually called cow reform, ie dairy cows sent to slaughter After a career of calving and separation from her calf so we can get his milk! Most males are regarded as almost useless, annoying or cultured . In the case of pregnant sows, (re) producing of pigs, a boar can be found for 350 sows, boars for causing the heat, but it will never be able to approach one as they are inseminated artificially and abruptly trapped in their stalls, a breeding technician, which led some to say that the operation looks like a rape! The boar is dispensable for farming because off-ground, practical ovarian stimulation to go faster. For the same reason, put-downs are called. Livestock and techniques become routine (artificial insemination, ovarian stimulation, surrogacy, sorting, selection and implantation of embryos, cloning), are industrial exploitation of the female animal body: it gets the eggs, milk, meat and small for the replacement of adults, and finally eat their bodies tired at the end of cycle. In this system, females animal suffer double exploitation : during their life (milk, eggs, calves, kids ...) and at the hour of death when they are sent for slaughter and processed meat . The
animal protein consumed and most the cheapest, or even second-class are eggs, milk and milk byproducts, females proteins par excellence, the white meat (chickens, hens, veal ,...) and finally red meat: beef mainly, the meat being the most expensive and considered proteins FIRST CLASS , and for boys rather - Charal see all movies where a mother standing in her kitchen, serves a steak to his boy (always), demonstrating that carnisme is part of the dominant patriarchal culture. "Meat is constant for men, intermittently for women and girls ... the lion's share will to men, spouses ...; the Women suffer from hunger at a disproportionate rate compared to men " (7 girls and women for 3 boys) said Carol Adams, Françoise Héritier also wrote several texts on the subject, I certainly will come back .
Carol Adams (among others) distinguishes four stages progressive in the way humankind has nurtured over the ages:
1 - picking (Bay, seeds, roots ...) plants probably accompanied by insects, worms and other crawling ants or caught with a stick, as do primates;
2 - hunting animals wild guess which instruments (spears, arrowheads ...) and a group organization (stalking) it involves the abuse (rather) herbivores and ultimately a division of society between hunters and non hunters ;
3 - domestication of animals and livestock animals which requires the following contract: I give you security against predators, I'll heal, I will provide food and ... I t'exécute. Breeders who will kill and animals live together, sometimes in close proximity / promiscuity. Death is given at the end. With two consequences, the consumption quantity so meat increases, and the proteins become accessible females;
4 - Finally, the stage: the imprisonment of animals through factory farming and the separation drastic consumers with the animal consumed (and with farmers and slaughterhouses killers treated badly and paid poorly that nobody wants to know anything): they are all absent referents the next chapter follows an exponential increase in animal protein available, so consumed (see note Consumption of meat-conference SPACE) and proteins females as milk and eggs. With a need also exponential farmland to ... feed the animals! Plato in The Republic already mocked the fact that people of his time wasting huge amounts of food for their animals instead of using them for themselves. Indeed, meat is the vegetable that second-hand, animals that feed on cereals and pulses!
REFERRING THE ABSENT: Pornography meat
at your supermarket meat counter, you buy pork chops, the veal shank, prime rib .... The meat is in polystyrene trays, placed on a pad that absorbs any drops of blood still flows, all under film labeled with the mandatory including an expiration date. Any reference to a living animal is intentionally erased any reference to an individual animal is prohibited; THE is absent in the piece of meat you buy. In English, the word that means the meat of an animal is even changed: cow, ox for ox, calf, calf, hen, chick for chicken, pig, hog for pork, when they become meat : beef, veal, pork and broiler ( animals dead, Fragmented and
Renamed dead animals, broken and renamed). The French language has at least not this hypocrisy. Many years back, in the windows of butchers there were heads of pale veal or cow exposed in dishes with bunches of parsley into the nostrils, skinned rabbits, whose eyes looked at you in their refrigerated display case! TODAY 'Today, it is strictly impossible, because no seller! In barn in which I might buy a few eggs (outdoors) even told me one morning in the craft room where she took business courses, he has learned to show a bird to the client by hiding the corpse's head chicken or pheasant in the palm of his hand! Derealization the animal into pieces of meat . Breeders do not name their animals, they are identifiable only by number or a barcode in the neck or earrings. If you give a name to an animal, which is equivalent to the intervention of affect and a personal relationship, you can never ever kill is damn advance!
The analogy with the industry of prostitution and pornography is strikingly well that shocking : women's bodies that have been previously changed the name (they all work under pseudonyms) are delivered to customers in pieces; they buy and consume body parts : vaginas, mouths, breasts, etc. ... There is no interpersonal relationship in the commodification of the body. These are the same body parts and consumables for women to sell in advertising: rumps, legs, shoulders, headless women the advertising industry that feminists complain relentlessly. women or consumable form of pizza, compared with white pieces of chicken or beef as in the latest ad PIZZA HUT (Found in The female prevails - To see other pizzas, scroll the banner). Here too we can speak of the absence of the referent woman: we are not in front of a person but body parts treated like meat.
pornography are found in proximity to the vocabulary of slaughter: when a woman requires 40 to 80 or 100 customers per night or day, we talk about "slaughter" the women testify that they were raped treated as a "piece of meat," Jack the Ripper in England in the nineteenth century butchered his victims and cut their body, so much so that the police had investigated at the time of abattoir workers and butchers, and more recently, movies and American series we have nauseum scenes crimes which must be said, women provide the bulk of the victims squared (you can read my post about the series Dexter )!
consumption of sexuality by men in pornography was seen and criticized by feminists under the following terms: "arrogance carnivore" (Simone de Beauvoir), " gluttony gynocidaire "(Mary Daly)," Sexual cannibalism "(Kate Millet)," psychic cannibalism "(Andrea Dworkin)," metaphysical cannibalism "(Ty-Grace Atkinson). The book teems with Adams literary quotations, where pictures of slaughterhouses, butchers' hooks, penises compared to knives by the authors, brief quotations where women are sexually consumed as meat.
Books patriarchal religions that celebrate a male god tell the fall of Adam, the First Man, under the combined efforts of a woman, Eve and an animal, snake, the latter two are now reviled and returned to otherness, thus losing the power to name names, "said fair, beautiful, good and true. The animals are hunted, killed and eaten as the meat absorb the pretext of "strength" (even though in the 4th stage of breeding where we are is flesh exhausted female animals we eat Unlike the old days of hunting), and meat-eating societies masculinist attempt to dominate nature by absorbing piles of corpses.
In a system where women would share equal power, it would be normal to eat plants, these gifts of nature, synonymous with slow evolution for their ability to germinate, bloom, decay and rebirth in the cycle of seasons, by Carol Adams. Harvest rather than hunt, assaulted and killed, living in harmony with others rather than controlling them by power. Eat Rice Have Faith in Women . (Eat rice, trust women said Fran Winant).
" Feminism is the theory, practice vegetarianism " Adams said, paraphrasing the powerful formula of Ti-Grace Atkinson: "Feminism is the theory, lesbianism Practice!
"Scarcely a Human Being in the Course of history has fallen to a woman's rifle; The Vast Majority of birds and beasts Have Been Killed by you, not by us" . (Rarely has a human beings in the course of history has fallen under the bullets of a woman, the vast majority of birds and beasts have been killed by you, not us. " Virginia Woolf in Three Guineas.
As a
CONCLUSION The work of Carol Adams is backed by more than 200 pages -300 counting notes and references, it is full quotes and literary references that document a superposition of hierarchical oppression starting with animals (political meat), women (sexual politics), the primitive and blacks (colonization policy) before the plates rice and potatoes people in the Third World, the male journalists, whites, Westerners exclaim "but you have not eaten meat for how long?" ignoring that 80% of the proteins in these countries has traditionally come from cereals and legumes in contrast to us, 80% proteins are cereals and pulses from second-hand from animals, proteins or proteins females more manly red meat. I hope his book will be quickly translated into French, because it lacks the corpus of French feminists. I remember that hunger affects one person in 6: 1 billion people, including 7 of 10 are women and girls . It takes 7 to vegetable protein "to produce" an animal protein.
My ticket is issued simultaneously in PELENOP .
few definitions.
Carnivores: The worm is only human institution, and all carnivorous animals kill and eat their prey themselves and without instruments - " violence [in humans] needs instruments proclaims" Hannah Arendt. Hence the creation of carnisme word to describe the ideology of those who find it normal to eat animals: indeed, they do not kill the animals they eat and do not know, they leave to others the task of killing by proxy ( absent referents : slaughterhouse worker, animal, place of slaughter .. they do not want to know, worse if they knew or should kill themselves, they do not eat no doubt!).
omnivorous : omnivores eat both plants than animals, allowing them to choose what they do not want to eat , meat and fish, for example in the case of vegetarians, the dog is an omnivore that can be vegetarian if his master is! The cat, however, is definitely a carnivore.
Vegetarian : coined in 1847, some years before the word "feminist"! Before, they were called Pythagorean (Pythagoras, the famous mathematician who was wondering how you could eat animal flesh!). The word comes from Latin vegetus which means full, fresh and alive , whatever the sexual ideology of the meat which tends to show the plant as a vegetable , word that the speech delivered dominant pejorative, presented as a food or emasculated sissy I am thinking here of vegetarian men who suffer the jeers of carnistes. Vegetarians do not eat animals (meat or white, nor red, nor fish or shellfish) and vegan or vegan -s in English, eat no animal products (no milk or egg or their by-products) and for some, not honey. The veg * find their protein intake (vegetable) in all cereal grains (wheat, rice, corn, fruit ...), seeds (walnuts, hazelnuts ,....) or legumes (lentils, peas, beans including soybeans ...) and various tubers, where they obviously rajoutent leafy vegetables, fruits and roots of the season as omnivores. The proteins are of excellent quality throughout the plant kingdom: this response to the possible-but-insistent and ubiquitous question "But what do you eat then?" of carnistes aghast!
Carol J Adams is a universalist feminist American born in 1951. Vegan (using only his work but in the words vegetarianism and vegetarian ) she studied the similarities between the oppressions of gender and species . His main work, The Sexual Politics of Meat, published in 1980 is regularly reprinted.
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