Thursday, February 11, 2010

Should A Horse With Ringworm Be Turned Out

It seems it's Charlie Chaplin

The day I'm loved for real ...

Charlie Chaplin

... I realized that in all circumstances, I was in the right place at the right time. And then I could relaxer.Aujourd 'Today I know what it's called ..... Self-esteem

... I could see that my anxiety and my emotional pain was nothing but a signal when I go against my beliefs. Today I know what it's called ..... Authenticity

... I stopped wanting a different life and I began to see that everything that happens helps my personal growth.

Now I know what it's called .... Maturity

... I started collecting abuse in forcing a situation or person for the sole purpose of getting what I want, knowing full well that neither the person nor myself are loans and that this is not the time ... Now I know what it's called ..... Respect

... I started to free myself from all that I was not beneficial: people, situations, all which lowered my energy.

Now I know what it's called ....

esteem ... I stopped being afraid of free time and I stopped making big plans, I abandoned the Megaprojects future. Today, I do what is right, what I like when I like and my rhythm. Now I know what it's called .... Simplicity

... I stopped trying to always be right, and I realized all the times I was wrong.

Today I discovered .... Humility

... I stopped to relive the past and worry about the future. Today I live in the present, where all life is going.

Today I live one day at a time. And it's called .... Fullness

... I realized that my head could be wrong and disappoint me. But if I put in the service of my heart, it becomes a very valuable ally.

All this is .... Etiquette

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Brent Corrigan Screening

Swing swing when you hold us

I just finished writing a 61-page report on the re ... I managed to get the last word of the report be ... "Swing" (in my CV).

is not it?